![]() Archives Sprue Message Forum! March 1, 2002 RUN AWAY, RUN AWAYYYYYYYY...Damn!!! Was something in the water that people were drinking during the month of February??! Sucking it down and making them mean, nasty and viscious?! Between the CLUBHOUSE and the GREMLINS list, tempers sure were (are!!) flying!! February must be the extreme length of time where the lack of ANY good model shows can't be denied any longer!! CHILLER is still two months away, WONDERFEST four, and they suddenly snap!!!! A kind of 'Model Show Deprivation Syndrome'!??! We can call it the dreaded MSDS disease!!!! But what had me rolling all over the floor were the subject matters surrounding all this hoopla! Recasting, Name Calling, Message Deletions and Action Figure conversions!!! You'd think everyone was holed up in that massive hotel in 'The Shining' all winter long or something!?! I have to admit though, that I did like Riojas' post in Gremlins where he stated this was the only list where one could semi-safely post a message without some yahoo deleting it, rewording it or editing the crap outta it! Who'd have thunk that GREMLINS would be that?!?!! But he's right... it is the last refuge for pure freedom of speech without outside factions messing with what you have to say! The ol' girl is still good for something, by gawd!!! This pisses alot of folks off though! The majority who feel moderators are a requirement. These are the same self-proclaimed assholes who insist the guilty party, if he has something nasty to say, say it in a private email, but instead of addressing this advice IN a private e-mail, have to address THEIR message to the list as well so that they too have their 15 minutes of fame!! ...or the ones who post their own nasty, foul-mouthed messages to the list at large, attacking the original yahoo for his foul-mouthed rant! Sheesh!! I found all the episodes hilarious! I think the majority of folks on both lists did as well. Continue to read, chuckle and delete as you have been doing, and this too will pass! Besides the minor flame wars, there have been & continue to be some good posts as well! The various threads on a variety of boards concerning the new SEAVIEW kit have been both informative and interesting as all hell! I myself haven't found any of the kits up here... (I wait for Diceman to find his in northern New Jersey, then I know in about 2 weeks, I'll see um up here!)... but look forward to snatching up a few. The conversion kits from Orne and Skyhook Models look good as well! The vinyl filling threads also have some great info in them and I think this is good to repeat every 6 months or so. Especially for any newbies that come along and haven't done any vinyl kits yet. The Kitbuilders Show is this weekend!! Look forward to hearing the reports from those that make it and crossing my fingers we'll see some good photo's as well! Should stop the attacks of MSDS for awhile!!
His obituary reads, in part...
I'll miss ya, bro!! Til next week... Happy Modeling - Buc Email Archives