![]() Archives October 12, 2001 FALL IS IN THE AIR...First off, sad news received from Al Rebioro last Friday...
Also on the R.I.P. list... Samuel Z. Arkoff (1918-2001), co-founder of American International Pictures, died on 15 September aged 83. AIP was noted for cheap teenage exploitation movies: _I Was a Teenage Werewolf_, _I Was a Teenage Frankenstein_, _Invasion of the Saucer Men_, etc, etc. and Berry Berenson (1948-2001), actress/photographer who appeared in the 1982 Cat People remake, was on Flight 11 on 11 September. She was also the widow of _Psycho_'s Anthony Perkins. (source - ANSIBLE 171) Not much going on around the hobby, this week. Everyone is getting excited about CHILLER THEATRE Expo! Only two more weeks before we're all heading toward New Jersey!! I really love this time of year!!! Read where Ivie is discontinuing the bi-weekly Cult Chat's on AIM. Seems there's a disturbing few who are causing problems, lately, and there's no way to ban or kick these individuals off using the AIM chat program. I suggested to Ziz to look into good old DalNet or Undernet using the old reliable IRC programs. There you can set up moderators and co-op's and ban to your hearts content. I see no reason why the chat has to be done away with, totally, since alot of folks enjoyed it. Dice even suggested starting up an Unlisted Yahoo Club, which also has Chat capabilities. By being unlisted, you control who has access to the club, thus those that can access the Chat. And if any troublemakers make it into the club and start creating havoc on the Chat, they'd only do it that once... then just ban the dude from the club and never have to worry about him again. Or, someone else pick up the ball and continue it in some other ways. For instance, open up a new AIM chat room on the night of Cult's chat, and have Cult's room open alongside. Then as folks come into Cult's, and you know they ain't the troublemakers, just point them towards (or invite them into) the new room and wa-laa!! Peace reigns supreme!! So there are alternatives. Means things have to change, but, easily accomplished. That is, if he wants to continue the Chat of course. Let's see, what else is going on. Revell just announced some new kits coming out. Mostly cars, and not even sure if they are original or re-issues. Did see where they're re-issuing their 'Rat Fink' kit again?!!! Just got reissued last year, so that doesn't make sense? Unless distribution was poor and no one could find any?! Or they got warehouses full of um and trying once again. So if you did miss it last year, you'll have another chance to snatch one up! Should be later this month or November. Styrene kits have been pretty scarce this year. Funny, but the one year you'd think would be a production companies best year to release good Science Fiction models, and we don't get shit. Happily, folks like Captain Cardboard are making the 'Moon Bus' available soon, and our favorite Garage Kit buddies are filling the gap left dry by the Styrene boys, so all is not lost!! For those Styrene modelers who's building itch hasn't been scratched enough this year, take the first step toward the 'enlightened' side and buy yourself some resin and vinyl kits. Once you find out the construction and painting ain't that different from Styrene, (in fact, in many cases it's easier) you'll be hooked and will never be model-less again!! If the cost is keeping you away, fear not. Prices for many great kits are quite reasonable!! (Originals, of course!!) I receive alot of e-mails asking where to get some of the more recent kits I've been placing on the New Release pages. There's a few on there I found out about, but either don't know whose carrying them right now, or worse, do know, but have been told not to tell anyone right now for fear of C&D's. Rest assured, feel free to e-mail me and if I can point you in the right direction, I will certainly get you the needed information so you can order the kit for yourself, or forward the e-mail to those that have the kits available and have them get in touch with you! BTW, talked to Mike Stutelberg the other night. Few folks were trying to get in touch with him and I learned that he has a hard drive crash and is down hard right now. It was his 'C' drive, and luckily his ordering info is on his 'D' drive, but the operating system is dead so he can't boot up the 'puter right now til he replaces it. So hang in there! From the sounds of it, a lot of new kits will be making their debut at CHILLER... looking forward to seeing them all and getting the word out to everyone!! So... Til next week... Happy Modeling - Buc Email Archives