WOTW dio

Dan Thompson built this great Thunderchild
WOTW diorama, based on the Jeff Wayne

1:1 Martian

How to Build a Full-Size Replica of the Martian From George Pal's 1953 Film the War of the Worlds
- by Glen Swanson!


Seen at ValleyCon 2019 is this great Moebius
'Proteus' given the Nautilus treatment!
Nicely done!

Discovery Interior

Here's a great page showing off Stargazer's
interior parts, fitted into the Moebius Discovery CM!

Enterprise Restoration

Bill George posted 150 photos of
the Enterprise restoration.

Hiro Tagawa Exhibition

Mr. Hiro Tagawa's Solo Exhibition 2017


Check out this great buildup
by Donald Stewart


Images from slides taken during
the construction of the miniatures
for "Bladerunner"

Bates Motel

A great diorama of Bates Motel
by Bradley Thomas Enfield
Size - 22"long x 15"High x 15"Wide

viper dio

Love this Viper diorama by
Klaus Schäftner. Well done!

Leif Ericson

A web site devoted to starships & background
history of the Strategic Space Command universe!
Based on the plastic model of the Leif Ericson
released by AMT back in 1968.

King Kong

A studio scale stop-motion puppet replica
of the eighth wonder, by Jim Davidson!

Jupiter 2 build

Herb Hampton has put together
"The Complete Imbecile's Guide
to Building & Detailing the
MOEBIUS 1/32nd scale Jupiter 2

Alien Movies

A nice behind-the-scenes look
at the 1979 ALIEN movie!

What If boxes

Nice site of box art in the
"What If Aurora Made These Kits"...!!

Bill Campbell’s UNPRODUCED
model designs are now
available as prints! For all
you WEIRDO's Freaks!

A great build-up tutorial on
Killing Times's
'The Other' kit by Qtan!

A nice history of
'The INVADERS' UFO model kit!

You think you hold the record for having the most models?? Check out Bruce & Phil's basement and get humbled!!