SPACE 1999's
EAGLE Transporter!

AMT/Ertl re-issued the Eagle Transporter, and although I never liked the television show, I always enjoyed the vehicles.

This is a pretty straight forward model to put together and takes about 20 minutes. My hat off to AMT for casting these pieces with actually very little flash at all! In fact, the only piece that had any flash was the large cargo container and even that was very, very slight!

I put everything together except for the four small thrusters (#22, 30, 18, 26) that go on the landing modules. Decals have to go on the modules first, before these can be glued on.

Everything was glued together except for the cargo container, which fits nice & snug by itself.

Primed using KRYLON's Sandable Primer, and then followed up with KRYLON's Flat White.

Once dry, I mask off and paint the nose windows Black, and the engines Silver.

I use a Black PILOT 'VBall' extra fine pen and color in the black 'X' portions on the side of the Eagle, fore and aft.


Mask off the cargo bay, and first paint the stripe White. Recently learned that this seals the edges of the tape, so when you do paint the red in, it will not bleed under the tape. Another great tip!!

Painting Stripes Painting Stripes

These vehicles are workhorses, so I believe they should look like they've done their share of hauling! (Like we need a reason to justify our love of weathering our models!!)

For detail work my first stop was to check out Starship Modeler's site, as well as CultTVMan's. Saved some of Jim Small's Eagle photo's, and many angle shots from Starship Modeler's.

Stay tuned...

Happy Modeling! - Buc (Feb - Apr 00')

Work Bench