John Wick is a 2014 action-thriller film which stars Keanu Reeves. The story focuses on John Wick searching for the men who broke into his home, stole his vintage car and killed his puppy, which was a last gift to him from his recently deceased wife. Let's look at what kits are within his sights... |
Kim C. Mora (Kimet) | Needful Things | Julio Melgoso | Xhuna Art | Dinsai Studio | Ozgur Sevincer | Vitor
Augusto (WIP) | Unknown |
H3LL Creator |
Gsculpt Art | Action Heroes | 3DXM | Valkyrie Hobby's Int |
Tanapan St Watcharakorn |
NomNom Figures |
KUTON Sculpt |
MAFEX (figure) |
One:12 Collective (figure) |
Hot Toys |
Hot Toys |
Sid Naique | Sid Naique | Wang Xuehan |
Diamond Select |
Guilherme Hartung |